For a blog start of 2015, we will write about experimenting with winter sowing. It’s been a long, quiet and busy winter and what is better than preparing for the new gardening season…
So, what is winter sowing?
Winter sowing is starting seeds outdoors in winter. Yes, that’s right! If you don’t have a green house, window space or lights, this is the way to go. Many plants reseed and germinate outdoors without our intervention – they will germinate when their time comes. With winter sowing we just protect the seeds from wind, animals and drying out. And the good thing is – it works! All you need is seeds, soil and plastic bottles/containers. We plant seeds in containers (mini green houses) and place them outside in the winter, where we expose them to cold, rain and snow. Reuse/recycle is our motto!
It’s easy and fun, you’ll see 🙂
Here’s what you’ll need
plastic bottles or containers
scissors, knife
drilling machine
Clean and cut plastic bottles in half or three parts, depending on the type of the bottles. Take bottom parts and drill holes for drainage. Cut upper part of the bottles 3-4 times, so the cap can fit the bottom part.
Fill the bottom part with cca 12 cm of soil (we used our compost soil), water well and place seeds on top, pressing them lightly into the soil. Mark the planters (very important!). Place outside, sprinkle water from time to time and watch them grow.
For more info & ideas go to